ΝΤUA-AMDC undertook the project "Soil Remediation and Complementary Projects at the Technological Cultural Park of Lavrio", as a part of the Competitiveness Project, lead by the Ministry of Development with a total budget of € 7,800,000. Τhe projects were targeting on the implementation of vital environmental projects in the area. More specifically, these projects concerned:
- Excavation, transportation and safe deposition of polluted soils, derived from various positions within the borders of LTCP, at a specially formed location, within the Park. The specific project included the formation of a Hazardous Waste Landfill Site, designed according to the strictest technical and environmental specifications. Within the Landfill Site, polluted soils representing significant hazard for both human health and the ecosystem, were safely deposited. All removed polluted soils were embankment filled and substituted with clean ones. After completion of the aforementioned procedures, the Landfill Site was permanently closed and sealed and all environmental parameters regarding its normal function are constantly monitored.
2. Formation of an underground space, within the borders of LTCP, for purposes of accepting special hazardous waste which, for technical and environmental safety reasons, cannot mix with soils deposited at the Landfill Site. Those wastes, similarly to polluted soils mentioned above, were by-products of the former mining-metallurgical activities developed at LTCP and could be found in several positions within the Park. They mainly consist of arsenic compounds and they are meant to be deposited in specific barrels and bags, permitting their safe and long term deposition in the underground space. It should be emphasized that, only waste coming out of LTCP will be transferred to the underground space and under no circumstances waste from other sources will be accepted.

3. Targeting on the environmental reinforcement of the aforementioned large scale technical projects, a Laboratory specialized in environmental measurements was founded, in LTCP. The Laboratory monitors and records all environmental parameters of the technical projects, during both their construction and operation, by conducting specialized analyses and in-situ measurements regarding all environmental elements (soil, water and air).

Furthermore, another important environmental project is under implementation, concerning the decontamination and rehabilitation of a heavily polluted and with significant structure issues building (“Konofagos Building”). For the implementation of the above projects, all the requisite assessments and projects, according to the EU and Greek legislation, have been conducted and their implementation was fulfilled following all the necessary health and safety measures. During the approval procedure of all projects and permissions, the assent of the local actors was asked, according to the national legislative framework.
Especially as far as it concerns the Environmental Impact Assessment of the Landfill Site, it was approved by the local Municipality Board. Besides, there was a continual and assiduous monitoring for the proper construction and operation of the projects, with the assistance of the LTCP’s lab and other NTUA Laboratories. Monitoring is not restricted to the implementation of the environmental terms concerning the particular projects, but it expands to the implementation of additional measurements and tests, so as to highlight the rehabilitation project as a prototype for the construction of similar projects, especially in terms of safety and environmental protection.
The specific environmental intervention has already resolved the significant pollution problem of the LTCP, which represented the main pollution source of the greater area. On the other hand, the project represents a significant source of expertise for dealing with similar environmental issues, mainly within the area of Lavreotiki, but also in other areas of Greece with similar issues.
On behalf of NTUA, the scientific Committee responsible for the project is always available for communication with residents of the broader area or their representatives, in order to provide any further clarifications concerning the project. Furthermore, an integrated program for the diffusion of project’s results is under implementation.